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WP3 Outreach Email Draft

Dear Professor Diane Mitnick, Hello! My name is Aine McGonigle and I am a freshman communications major at Penn State Abington. I have been doing some research on your work in the communications field. I have been reading up on your public relations company and I am very impressed with all the experience and your knowledge of the field.  I wanted to get in contact with you to discuss my ACURA project. I have been doing some research on media training and I am asking the question,  "Do you think that by implementing media training/privacy standards into the installation of Facebook would decrease the amount of privacy issues we see occur on the platform?" This question interest me because I love the world of social media and Facebook is the one site that has had the most controversy surrounding it this past year. I actually watched the PBS Special called “The Facebook Dilemma” for my communications 100 class. I would love to work on this project with you because I feel th

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